Cloth, Micro Fibre, 40x40cm, Yellow, 10’s

R163.01 incl VAT

Multipurpose, woven low linting & non-abrasive cloth which can be used on sensitive surface areas.

SKU: CON-CLO-495 Category:


Yellow Microfibre cloth 10’s, 40×40 cm

Yellow microfiber cloths are versatile cleaning tools that offer exceptional cleaning power and efficiency. These cloths are made from ultra-fine synthetic fibers, which are densely woven to create a soft and highly absorbent material. Their bright yellow color not only adds a pop of cheerfulness but also helps in color-coding your cleaning tasks, preventing cross-contamination.

Microfiber cloths trap and hold dirt, dust, and debris effectively. The microscopic fibers create millions of tiny spaces that attract and capture particles, leaving surfaces spotless and streak-free. You can use them for various cleaning applications, including dusting, wiping, polishing, and even as a quick-absorbing spill cleanup tool.

One of the key benefits of yellow microfiber cloths is their eco-friendliness. They reduce the need for disposable paper towels and chemical cleaning products, making them a sustainable choice for environmentally conscious individuals and businesses.

These cloths are also durable and reusable, with proper care. You can machine wash them and use them repeatedly. This will save you money in the long run. Whether you’re cleaning your home, office, or car, yellow microfiber cloths are a must-have cleaning accessory that simplifies your cleaning routine and delivers sparkling results.

For more information on the Yellow Microfibre cloth 10’s please contact our sales team. For other spill containment or cleaning accessories you can click here.

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