Thermal Insulation Kit for Machine: CAT 777F

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Delakufa Thermal Protection offers custom engineered thermal insulation systems. These reduce the risk of your machines due to thermal contact or losses due to fire. Manufactured from top quality materials.

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CAT 777F Thermal Insulation Kit by Delakufa

Delakufa Thermal Protection offers custom engineered thermal insulation systems. These reduce the risk of you machines due to thermal contact or losses due to fire. Fact is, the glowing hot turbo is the primary ignition source in most mobile equipment fires. Thus, by covering this ignition source, a lot of machine fires can be prevented.

The CAT 777F Thermal Insulation Kit is for the CAT 777F.

We use technologically advanced materials and make each product individually. Because of this we ensure optimal insulation and resilience under severe operating conditions.
We’ve achieved temperature reductions of up to 60% in under hood conditions on mobile diesel equipment. This produces cost savings related to reliability and component life. This also delivers better performance through improved thermal efficiency and reduced turbo lag.

Your principle motivation for installing our heat shield systems should be the dramatic reduction in fire risk. Our systems reduces the risk from combustible fluids sprayed on exposed hot components. This is a major safety consideration.

For more information on Delakufa you can download the Delakufa product brochure from our website. You can also read more about the difference a Thermal Insulation Kit can make here and here.

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